Fa anys quan van fer la pel·lícula Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain, recordo que va ser d'aquelles que trobes precioses, la història en si mateixa ja és curiosa i no pots evitar posar-te al costat de la protagonista i sentir-te com si fossis ella. Entendreix la història d'aquesta joveneta francesa. Però hi ha un detall que encara crida més l'atenció, la música. Totes les cançons tenen un mateix estil i totes elles t'agraden, almenys a mi. Cerques qui n'és l'autor i descobreixes que es diu Yann Tiersen i és bretó, potser per això aquest estil que no és ben bé francès té aquestes particularitats, lògicament. El teu pare llavors, també enamorat d'aquesta música aconsegueix tots els CD's d'aquest home. Els escoltes i encara t'agrada més, hi ha cançons formidables i que les escoltes un cop rere l'altre sense cansament. Estrenen la pel·lícula Good Bye Lenin i quan la veus, a part de sentir una de les cançons d'Amèlie la resta et sonen familiars, notes l'estil d'en Yann Tiersen i inevitablement aconsegueixes el CD tan bon punt surt a la venda. I comença la dinàmica de seguir aquest home allà on va i restes a l'espera dels nous CD's que treu.
Dimecres de la setmana que ve en Yann serà a Barcelona i actuarà a la sala RazzMatazz. El meu pare i jo hi anirem i per això el motiu d'aquest escrit. A veure si hi ha novetats. També adverteixo que als seus concerts no toca com als CD's, improvitza i de cop et toca una cançó amb estil rock que al CD és completament tranquila i relaxant. Hi ha gent a qui no agrada que faci això als concerts, a mi sí, m'encanta com innova i prova coses fora de la seva normalitat a la que ens té habituats. Espero que els que no el conegueu descobriu un gran músic i gaudiu com ho faig jo amb les seves especials cançons. Us en deixo una petita mostra:
Anyway, i can try anything it's the same circle that leads to nowhere and i'm tired now.
anyway, i've lost my face, my dignity, my look, all of these things are gone and i'm tired now.
but don't be scared, i found a good job and i go to work every day on my old bicycle you loved.
i'm pilling up some unread books under my bed and i really think i'll never read again.
no concentration, just a white disorder everywhere around me, you know i'm so tired now.
but don't worry i often go to dinners and parties with some old friends who care for me, take me back home and stay.
mochrome floors, monochrome walls, only abscence near me, nothing but silence around me.
monochrome flat, monochrome life, only abscence near me, nothing but silence around me.
sometimes i search an event or something to remember, but i've really got nothing in mind.
sometimes i open the windows and listen people walking in the down streets. there is a life out there.
but don't be scared, i found a good job and i go to work every day on my old bicycle you loved.
anyway, i can try anything it's the same circle that leads to nowhere and i'm tired now.
anyway, i've lost my face, my dignity, my look, all of these things are gone and i'm tired now.
but don't be scared, i found a good job and i go to work every day on my old bicycle you loved.
mochrome floors, monochrome walls, only abscence near me, nothing but silence around me.
monochrome flat, monochrome life, only abscence near me, nothing but silence around me.
When I'm asleep in Cascade Street
When I'm asleep in Cascade Street
I don't, I don't
See anything
When I'm asleep in Cascade Street
When I'm asleep in Cascade Street
I hear, I hear
Nothing, nothing
In the cascade, in the cascade
You washed me
When I wake up in Cascade Street
When I wake up in Cascade Street
I feel nothing
I feel nothing
When I'm asleep in Cascade Street
When I'm asleep in Cascade Street
I don't remember
I don't remember
In the cascade, in the cascade
You washed me
When I wake up in Cascade Street
When I wake up in Cascade Street
I feel nothing
I feel nothing
In the cascade, in the cascade
You washed me
Anyway, i can try anything it's the same circle that leads to nowhere and i'm tired now.
anyway, i've lost my face, my dignity, my look, all of these things are gone and i'm tired now.
but don't be scared, i found a good job and i go to work every day on my old bicycle you loved.
i'm pilling up some unread books under my bed and i really think i'll never read again.
no concentration, just a white disorder everywhere around me, you know i'm so tired now.
but don't worry i often go to dinners and parties with some old friends who care for me, take me back home and stay.
mochrome floors, monochrome walls, only abscence near me, nothing but silence around me.
monochrome flat, monochrome life, only abscence near me, nothing but silence around me.
sometimes i search an event or something to remember, but i've really got nothing in mind.
sometimes i open the windows and listen people walking in the down streets. there is a life out there.
but don't be scared, i found a good job and i go to work every day on my old bicycle you loved.
anyway, i can try anything it's the same circle that leads to nowhere and i'm tired now.
anyway, i've lost my face, my dignity, my look, all of these things are gone and i'm tired now.
but don't be scared, i found a good job and i go to work every day on my old bicycle you loved.
mochrome floors, monochrome walls, only abscence near me, nothing but silence around me.
monochrome flat, monochrome life, only abscence near me, nothing but silence around me.
When I'm asleep in Cascade Street
When I'm asleep in Cascade Street
I don't, I don't
See anything
When I'm asleep in Cascade Street
When I'm asleep in Cascade Street
I hear, I hear
Nothing, nothing
In the cascade, in the cascade
You washed me
When I wake up in Cascade Street
When I wake up in Cascade Street
I feel nothing
I feel nothing
When I'm asleep in Cascade Street
When I'm asleep in Cascade Street
I don't remember
I don't remember
In the cascade, in the cascade
You washed me
When I wake up in Cascade Street
When I wake up in Cascade Street
I feel nothing
I feel nothing
In the cascade, in the cascade
You washed me
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